Thursday, March 21, 2013

Jesse MacGregor Jones

Today we have a very special treat! Jesse MacGregor Jones. Meet Jeese:
*Blogger note*
I just want to take a moment and tell you, this is one of my top 10 interviews I have done. Jesse is an amazing woman. When I say she has been through hell and back, she has. She spends her time caring so much for others. Active with Suicide Prevention, and Animal Rights, she's an inspiration to a lot of people. After this interview, you will have a chance at winning 1 of the 5 copies of Falling Into the Abyss. This book is about the struggle of her life. I HONESTLY THINK EVERYONE OF YOU NEEDS TO READ THIS BOOK. A story of struggle, surviving and paying it forward. The work Jesse does with Suicide Prevention is very important. The lives that she is touching and saving leaves me wordless. I wanted to cry while typing this interview up. Like I said, it's one of my Fave! Please, take a few minutes and really get to know Jesse and the amazing things that are her life! Please share this as well! If you know someone hurting, someone scared, if you think you know someone who is contemplating Suicide, or struggling with who they are.. please send them this post! You could save a life too. 

I grew up in a small town of 850 people in Illinois. As a child, I wasn't sure what there was for me in this
world. Growing up gay and in the closet, it wasn't until the early 90's that I began to come out and truly
be who I was. Over the last 26 years that I have been out of the closet, I've grown and learned so much
about life. I'm still learning and I attempt to do all I can to help others learn too.

I volunteer as part of the Trevor Project's “Talk To Me” program. Trevor Project on Facebook.  This means that I am a safe person to talk to if you are a gay teen or anyone contemplating suicide. I'm very active in suicide prevention and very outspoken about equal rights. I'm proud to stand for the things in which I believe and even more
proud to have been in this fight for a very long time.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I always enjoyed writing. I've written poetry since I was 12 years old. I only realized that I could possibly earn money as a writer in 2010. I started writing articles as a freelance writer. I started my first book in 2011. 

How long did it take you to write your book?

Butch Sexology is the first book I released. It is a funny story actually. I was traveling from Missouri to Florida, on a shoe string. I depended upon payments for articles I wrote to fund my food and gas for the trip. I'd earn a few bucks and travel as far as I could go on that. One weekend, I found myself stranded in the middle of nowhere in Alabama. It was over 100 degrees in the RV and I had no money for food or gas. I ate beans and rice that I keep as my fall back staples. The heat was so horrible that I only used my gas stove to cook well after dark. I had no electricity. I couldn't get online with no power. I decided to make good use of my time and I wrote all the stories on paper with a pencil because I couldn't even find a pen. When I got my direct deposit, I continued on to Florida and proceeded to type all the stories I had written. I published them a couple of weeks later. My first book truly was a labor of love!

What genre is your book? What made you choose to write in that category?

This book is lesbian erotica. It is hard-edged and I don't hold anything back. I've been told that it is more than erotica but my fans seem to like it this way.
*Blogger note. Jesse also has more mainstream titles. Including the amazing struggle of her life that we are giving away. 

What was your work schedule like when you were writing?

When I dove into writing, I was living in the middle of nowhere and it became the best way for me to earn an income almost immediately. I was stubborn, and a little lucky I suppose. I never had to work another job and try to write too. 

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

I honestly don't think I have one! I can write almost anywhere and at any time. I simply have to feel inspired which I often get from Facebook posts!

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

I'm inspired by people in my life and the world around me. I'm lucky to find inspiration in almost everything. I have a vivid imagination and I've also led a very colorful life. I draw from imagination and experiences. 

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

To date, I've published 7 books. One is a combination of two volumes. Not all are erotica. Twisted is
my favorite books so far and is the first in a series. The second one is in the works. This is an erotic
book, with many...well...twists! The main character, Sam (Samantha) is a butch lesbian who was raised
in a very abusive childhood, only to find out that she was actually adopted. She ends up with addiction
problems that range from drugs to sex. Sam is basically a good person who has been taken so far off her
path that she is having issues finding herself. It seems that she'll sink far deeper before she's back on her
feet. The next book is going to be far more raw than the first. I think fans will really like it. I hope they do!

Twisted Flashbacks Sam represents the best and worst of us all. She's the product of her past, present and what she sees as her future. Sam is a survivor, a victim and sometimes even a bit of a predator. She's dark, troubled and on a one-way trip to self-destruction. Haunted by her demons, she struggles to live her life as best she can. 
As you get to know Sam, things will come out about her life that are surprising and often times troubling. You will no doubt find yourself loving her and hating her, all at the same time. You may find that things about her remind you of yourself, making her a little harder to swallow at times? Some things about her will make you feel mournful for the childhood, family and friends that she has lost.

Are you currently working on another book? If so, is it part of a series or something different?

I'm working on a hate crimes book, another erotica short stories book and also finishing up the next in the Twisted series. This year has had me off track for a while but I'm slowly getting back into a routine. I needed a bit of a break after producing 6 original works last year. 

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I love to go fishing, hiking, and ride my bicycle. The sunshine makes me happy and I'm a tree hugger for sure! I like to cook and I love to eat even more. Currently, I'm addicted to the game Ruzzle - it is sort of like Boggle in a digital form. 

What does your family think of your writing?

My friends, fans and readers are my family. I'd say that they enjoy it and I'm lucky to have a lot of encouragement, especially for my blogging.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned about yourself in creating your books?

I've learned far too much to list! Probably the single most important thing that has happened is that I've
gotten to a place where I can touch the lives of other people in a very positive way. I'm very happy to
know that people can get something out of the things that I write. My blog reaches a lot of people and
while my books are more fictional in nature, my blog deals with a lot of real life issues.

Do you have any suggestions to help others become a better writer? If so, what are they?

My biggest advice is just to make up your mind to do it and then stick to it. Don't let other people criticize
you or get you down. You can achieve anything that you truly believe in. Start small and always be
working to get better. Blogging is a great way to start. You can learn how to be a better writer by being
a better reader too! Always be open to constructive criticism, but learn to know the difference between
someone being constructive and someone just being negative. You will always have people who try to
tear you down. That just goes with the territory.

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?

I hear from people almost every day. People touch me very much when they tell me that something I
wrote has touched them. When a reader tells you that they relate to a character or a story, it is not only a
compliment, but truly a gift to me. I smile when I get those letters and emails. Sometimes people ask me
for advice or they just want to tell someone what they are going through. I make it a point to respond to
everyone and do my best to help those who really seem to need help.

What do you think makes a good story?

My own personal style is to not write above the reader. What I mean by that is that my books are not
written in a language that is hard to follow. I'm not trying to prove to anyone that my language skills are
far superior or that I'm attempting to take on a voice that is not my own. I attempt to tell a story in my own,
natural voice. A good story has a plot that pulls you in and it is easy to follow. Characters that people can
relate to are very important too. Developing characters that people can either dislike, love or feel a kinship
with is very important.

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

Honestly, I wanted to be a motorcycle cop. Officer Poncherello was my hero. I never missed an episode
of CHIPs!

Are you self published or do you have a publisher? If self published, what made you decide to go that route?

I am self-published. To me, it is about maintaining the artistic integrity of your own work. I was offered a
small publishing deal several months ago and I turned it down. The first thing they said to me was that in
order to appear on Dr. Phil, I needed to tone my books down and remove curse words, etc. I told them I
was not interested in turning my books into something mainstream. Besides, I think that unless you are
the next Stephen King, you can earn just as much as in indie author in today's world.

Also Newly Released is A Year of Ramblings
This is only 99 cents! 
A year of the most inspirational blogs from Follow along on a journey of self-discovery that is sure to leave you changed. At the very least, your views of the world, and your place in it, will be altered drastically. Come along for the ride.

Where you can find Jesse and causes important to her:

Author page on Amazon is

5 lucky people will walk away from this amazing interview with a copy of Falling into the Abyss
A tale of child abuse, suicide and survival. An account of surviving the worst things life can throw at you and coming out on the side, changed for the better and able to look at life with new eyes and a new perspective. This is my story. I'll take you from the the time 

I've shared my life and my journey with thousands of fans through my blog at and now I tell the whole story, with all the background. See how I came out and got to where I am today. Learn why I advocate for those who have no voice.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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