Friday, March 15, 2013

Winners everywhere

Hey fans! No Freebie post today. I'm setting up our weekend giveaway! Stayed tuned! For now, check out the Mohawk Sunrise Cover reveals at these blogs. There's a Rafflecopter going on!

PT Macias
Butterflies Books and Dreams
Amazing Books Come to Life
Cus Kindle Giveaways
The Lindsay Show
CSI Creative Scene Investigation

Our Cover Reveal!

Drop by and say hello to these Lovely Bloggers who helped with the Cover Reveal. Make sure you're going to our Event Mohawk Sunrise Release Party
Lots of Prizes and we start today!
Invite your friends, but only those who are going to enjoy coming to the event! Have them vote for you. Whoever brings the most friends will get a prize

We also have the Release Blitz for Don't Kill Dinner !!! You must read this book! Don't Kill Dinner Blog Stop

Now, our Bracelet winner is.....

Ok, now I'm off to set up our Giveaway and do the most AMAZING event ever! Get ready and Spread the word


  1. Congrats to the lovely Tina!! It'll look great on you, but won't make you look better because it is impossible to improve upon perfection.

  2. Oh how cool!!!!! Thank you so much!!! And Andrew you take my breath away :)
